Back somewhere between the first and second seasons and before the announcement of Hasbro’s Haslab Razor Crest; I set out to build an action figure-scaled replica. Came across some files on Thingiverse and started printing away. The title of the file claims to be screen accurate. I wouldn’t go that far, but it is an ok representation that one could say is on par of the style of the Kenner toys of the 1980s. Anyway, at the time, it was one of the better options.
Knowing it was going to be trickier, I printed the parts in ABS so that I could solvent weld it together for better strength. ABS also meant that sanding and filling would be much quicker. For the windows, I cut out the solid blanks and made up some bucks for vacuum forming. I spent more time than usual with the primer coat as I wanted as smooth as possible base to apply the metalizer paint I was going to use. In the end I used a number of metalizers and bare metal foil to get various shades for more interest. I then masked off my best approximation of the ship’s markings and roughly applied the color, making sure to not completely fill it all in. Final weathering was applied on top and then called that part of the build done. To finish everything off, I modeled up a simple cargo net and printed it in TPU. Also printed an appropriately scale blurrg and Grogu in his pram.
Overall, I am mostly happy how it all turned out. It satisfied my desire to build something within the Mandalorian story, but I am more than excited for my Haslab Razor Crest to arrive!